Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Some Background Information

When you live on campus, it's easy to get lost in the sea of students. Especially if you're at a large state school like I am. One usually decides to blend in, to go about their ways so that they can get their degree and move on with their life. Then there are those who seek a way to stand out, or really, seek a place to fit in. Somewhere or something that helps campus shrink just a little. So I decided to be a Resident Assistant (RA) at this place:

And I've been one for two years now. As a Junior, I've figured out that I live a pretty interesting life, especially because I chose to be a student leader. Why I thought it was interesting enough to share with the world, well who knows. But I wanted something that I could look back on to remember what little time I have left here. Is it all going to be about this job, probably not. But it is a HUGE part of my life...so it'll be there, a lot.

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